High quality supplements, for high quality results.

We have partnered with the following brands to bring you discounts on supplements we trust and love. Use code ‘nutrientnurse’ when purchasing from the companies online store, link under the ‘more information’ drop-down menus below.

Liposomal Vitamin C, Poten-C

  • Liposomal Vitamin C, for better absorption.

    Poten-c has a range of liposomal supplements including Glutathione, Fucoidan, Magnesium and Quercetin

  • Vitamin C is an essential nutrient and powerful antioxidant which is vital for health and healing. Unlike most animals humans can't produce Vitamin C, We need to replenish our stores daily and these needs rise in response to physical, mental and emotional stress.

  • Order here, use discount code ‘nutrientnurse’ for 10% off at checkout.

Natural Hops extract Amarasate™, Calocurb

  • Amarasate™ Sourced New Zealand Hops extract

  • An extract from hops grown at the top of the South Island here in New Zealand. Amarasate™ contains a unique blend of compounds with a superpower. It supports you to manage your appetite, overeating, and hunger so you can feel confident to make great eating decisions - without feeling bloated or twitchy.

  • Order here, use discount code ‘nutrientnurse’ at checkout for 10% off.

Sleep, anxiety & stress

  • Ashwagandha, Sattva Soul

  • Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful herbs in Ayurvedic healing, which has been prescribed as a stress adaptogen, first discovered in 6,000 BC!

    An adaptogenic herb is a highly effective, evidence-based remedy to help reduce stress, fatigue, and worry—by supporting normal cortisol and GABA levels, helping the body adapt to stress.

  • Order here, use discount code ‘nutrientnurse’ for 10% off.